Learn about the Coolidge COmplete streets project
What are Complete Streets? Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work.
Complete Streets often include lane reconfigurations that reduce a road from four lanes to three lanes. Watch the video below to learn how three lanes can make a road safer and more accessible for all users.
This type of lane reduction is often called a “road diet". What is a road diet? Well-known traffic-calming expert Dan Burden explains, “A road diet is anytime you take any lane out of a road.” Watch the video below to learn more from the man who coined the term himself.
How to ride a bike safely in traffic
An important element of the Coolidge Highway Complete Streets plan are the bike lanes that will run in both directions from 11 Mile to 12 Mile. Ultimately, these lanes will become a part of a multi-community bike system that includes Huntington Woods and Oak Park. As a reminder, bicyclists under the age of 12 can ride on sidewalks.
In spring of 2020, two MoGo bike stations were installed in Berkley. One on South Robina off of 12 Mile Road, and the other on Earlmont off of Coolidge Hwy. Click here to view all MoGo stations and how easy it is to get around Berkley and our neighboring communities.
Below is an informative video on bike safety, along with a map showing how the three communities plan to develop an integrated bike system:
Look at all the ways we are connected!
EPISODE 1: Berkley’s complete streets long-term strategy
Watch an interview with Berkley Mayor Dan Terbrack and Mayor Pro Tem Steve Baker on how the City Council embarked on a Complete Streets Initiative for Coolidge Hwy and other roads.
Episode 2: The Coolidge project and traffic diversion
In this episode, Patrick Cawley with the Traffic Improvement Association talks about the new Coolidge Hwy project and preventing traffic from diverting into the surrounding neighborhoods.
Episode 3: Coolidge will be a safer street
In this episode, Berkley Public Safety Director Matt Koehn talks about the potential safety benefits from reconfiguring Coolidge Highway.
EPISODE 4: Dr. Nick
In this episode Dr. Nick Novakoski with Nova Chiropractic explains why he thinks the Coolidge Highway restriping project will benefit the downtown businesses.
Episode 5:
Traffic engineer Cheryl Gregory outlines what motorists can expect when Coolidge is restriped between 11 Mile and 12 Mile.
July 2018 public input session
On Wednesday, July 25th, the DDA hosted two public input session: one from 11am to 2pm and one from 5pm to 8pm, to discuss the results of the Coolidge Traffic Analysis and its recommendation for the reduction of traffic lanes (frequently referred to as a Road Diet) along Coolidge Highway from four lanes to three. 40 people attended in person and another 31 responded via an online forum.
November 2018 public input session
On November 28th, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, the City of Berkley hosted a third public input session in the Public Safety Conference room at 3338 Coolidge Highway. It was an Open House format that approximately 55 people attended. Experts from Spalding DeDecker, Hubbel, Roth & Clark (HRC), and TIA were on hand to answer questions regarding the proposed Coolidge Road Diet.
Click here to see a list of Questions and Answers that were asked as a part of the public input session.
additional Information to Review
Download the Communications Strategy showing tactics that have been implemented.
Download the Comprehensive Metrics Matrix that will be used for measuring the success of the project.
Download the map and current traffic volumes of the side streets that will be monitored for traffic diversion.
Download the Bid Documents:
The graphics below, from NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide, show how road diets can improve safety and traffic flow.
The Coolidge Road Diet will result in an estimated gain of 38 on-street parking spaces!
Download the final Transportation Improvement Authority's (TIA) Coolidge Traffic Analysis here.
Download the Federal Highway Authority’s fact sheet about Road Diets and Emergency Vehicles here.
Download the AARP's road diet myth-busting fact sheet here.
Download the Federal Highway Administration's Mythbusters brochure here.
Want to learn more about the community benefits of complete streets? Download the report below:
Want to learn more about the economic benefits of complete streets? Download the report below:
Click on the links below to read three informational pieces from the Federal Hiqhway Administration about Road Diets.