what are Wayfinding Signs?
Wayfinding signs provide direction. They exist to help both pedestrians and motorists find their way without lengthy explanations or complicated maps. With signs to help guide the way, any one should be able to easily find their destination.
what is a wayfinding strategy?
A good wayfinding sign strategy delivers a better experience by helping with navigation and orientation for all types of users in a flawless, simple and effective manner. The DDA, City of Berkley, and Corbin Design (one of the top wayfinding consultants located out of Traverse City) have been working together on this strategy, and have taken the considerations and needs of our audience when developing the comprehensive Wayfinding System for the DDA District and City of Berkley.
why is wayfinding important to berkley?
There are a few reasons why both the DDA and City of Berkley are excited about this initiative:
In addition with helping navigation and orientation, these signs will be able to point out different amenities located in and around the downtown. Highlighting our City’s amenities with this Wayfinding System will lead to significant awareness, improved sense of community, and increased economic growth.
These signs will help to revive the look and feel of Berkley in the eyes of our residents, businesses, and visitors. This Wayfinding System will immediately attract visitors to the area to see what else is new. The design concept of the signs (see below) will give Berkley a much needed refreshed look.
Wayfinding signs will make Berkley unique and stand out. We’re in the age where our neighboring cities are attracting destination businesses. Now more than ever it’s crucial to differentiate Berkley from others like it. This community is unique, special, and desirable, and differentiation is the only way to attract new visitors, residents, and businesses into Berkley. This Wayfinding System will help with that.
What will these signs look like?
Below are design concepts that reflect the signs that will eventually be placed in and around the DDA District to show residents and visitors how to navigate the District, find parking, and locate destinations outside of the District.
These signs will be easy to update and are made to last a long time.
This group includes an example of what a Parks & Rec sign might look like; they will not be placed in the DDA District.
The corner of 12 Mile and Coolidge will welcome visitors to the downtown in style!
what does the roll out plan look like for this wayfinding system?
At the September 2020 meeting, the DDA Board approved the fabricator, Toledo Signs, for Phase 1 of this Wayfinding System. Toldeo Signs is a leading fabricator of wayfinding signs, they’ve completed signs in both Southfield and Lake Orion, and have been fully vetted by Corbin Design.
Phase 1 of Berkley’s signs will be installed in Spring 2021. You can click here to see sign locations.
We are excited to roll out this long-awaited project!